Hey look, I can see my house from here!!

Hey Peeps,

How you all doing??? The past month has been a whirlwind of emotions. I’ve just finished my finals at The Royal Veterinary College and am currently crossing my fingers for my returns on Friday. On Friday, I find out if the last 5 years in London and the last 10 years of uni have resulted in me actually becoming a vet.

The revision was gruelling and week long examinations was utterly taxing, but you know what helped – the lovely LUIP Ambassadors I get to occasionally meet at London’s top notch locations. It was one week till exams started and I most definitely needed a break, so what better place to explore than the entirety of London from the top of The Shard. The View from The Shard is breath-taking. Getting a bird’s eye view of the city I have called home for the last 5 years was the prefect way to draw this adventure to an end. Whether you enjoy the view from the enclosed 66th floor or enjoy the air on the roof-top 72nd floor, it’s all magnificent. Not only do you want to go in circles finding your favor landmarks, but they have interactive telescopes that zoom in and out of your favor locations. And wait, thats not all! To top it all off you get a lovely glass of champagne to calm those nerves if you weren’t already feeling all bubbly from the heights. Is this a must do whilst visiting London? YES!! Is this a must do even if you live in London? Absolutely!!

Find the link below for a little photo story book.
THe Shard


“I’m on a boat”

It’s almost that time for the ambassador year to come to an end. I wish I had had the time to get to know these lovely people a little better, but how about one last ditch effort. One can never make too many friends, especially while studying abroad. And what better way to get to know people than over a traditional Sunday lunch and confinement to a boat.  I think I have let my sarcasm get the best of me because I truely had a great time and I don’t want anyone to think otherwise.

If and when I return to the States, one this I will truly miss will be a traditional English Sunday roast. Yorkshire puds, roast potatoes and veg and meat, how glorious does that sound?!?  One place I always wanted to go for a roast and frequently walked by but never visited was the Barrow Boy & Banker at London Bridge. And what better to do after a great Sunday dinner – than cruise down the Thames River courtesy of City Cruises. There are various ways to see the city and explore the history that is London, but if you haven’t seen London from the water, you’re missing out. Not only do get to see a different side of the iconic landmarks, but you get your voyage narrated by the witty crew of City Cruises.

If there is one thing you must do with your time in London, try and see the city from as many views as possible. It’s a remarkably historical and beautiful city that never ceases to amaze. If you can, see London from the heavens (Shard), from the land and definitely from the waters (with City Cruises).

Enjoy your summer kids.





A Little Piece of Home and Away

How great has the weather been!!  London is one of my most favorite places to be when the sun is shining and summer is calling.  Masses of people are out and about in their shorts and sunglasses and smiling from ear to ear.  You can’t help but join in and enjoy it while you can.

Yesterday, one of my American friends, Erin, wanted to continue her birthday celebration in London and what a day it was!  It was a fun day filled with a game of basketball in Wimbledon, amazing lunch at the Alexendra Wimbledon, experiencing the FA Cup atmosphere at Wembley and finishing it off with an all American favorite of dinner and drinks at TGI Fridays.  The day completely sums up the experience of studying abroad for the last 5 years.  No matter how far we have come to study, there’s always a piece of home to be found.  A bit of American basketball and English football all in one day.  The beauty of London is, fun is to be had around every corner – whether it be something that reminds you of home or something new while you’re away.

And guess what?! The fun continues today with a Thames Boat Cruise, so stay tuned.


The Birthday Girl

The Birthday Girl

Summer Drinks

Summer Drinks

BBQ times - Alexandra Wimbledon

BBQ times – Alexandra Wimbledon

FA Cup - Arsenal v. Hull City

FA Cup – Arsenal v. Hull City




















Shout out

Oh guys,

Quick shout out to the lovely people at Toemail. It’s a fun blog that brings together people from all over the world through the artistic expression of feet. You heard me right, FEET.  Check it out for yourself!! 

Thanks Toemail for the feature, it was great to share my adventure down under with your awesome audience. 



Manly Beach, Australia

Cheap Food – Cost of living in London

Hey lovely people, isn’t it gorgeous out today!!

I hope you all are out and about loving the weather while it’s about.  I definitely got some skeptical looks from people today considering I was decked out for summer. I definitely felt as though some people were thinking, “gurl, it’s not that warm.”  Hey this California girl will take any sunshine she can get, especially after two months of developing my tan in Cali and Oz.  I’ll come back to you all soon about my travels, but I just wanted to share a little foodie blog while I’m reminiscing about my time in Camden.

I spent two years in Camden during the early days of my veterinary course and the food adventures were endless. From the Camden Market to various take out spots, the key factor was a cheap but delicious meal.  One place that often comes to mind is a place called Mayling Chinese Restaurant and Take Away (off Eversholt Street by Mornington Crescent Station).  It was definitely the guilty pleasure for us American girls missing a great, cheap Chinese meal.  For as cheap as £5.30 you can get an All Day Special that include a choice of 4 or 5 of their most popular main dishes, rice and 3 spring rolls.  My personal fav was their Fried Tofu in Black Bean Sauce.  An added bonus for those connoisseurs of Chinese take-away, they have SRIRACHA!!.

Don’t just take my word for it, go and check it out.




Delayed Monday Funny


I’m posting all the way from Australia so I know the timing is a bit off. Hope you all are doing well and not drowning over in England.

In honor of Valentine’s Day/Galentine’s Day that just passed and my new love for Parks & Recreation here’s a message from the lovely Leslie Knope.

Galentines’s Day


ps.  And just to make a few people jealous here a picture from my travels on Valentine’s Day.
