Annual Halloween Bash


No matter where you are in the world, Halloween comes around every year and it’s always fun to see how people can get creative with their costumes.  Unfortunately, I have to admit it’s not one of my favorite “holidays.”  If you ask my friends, they would tell you I pretty much spent the week leading up to it moaning about how I’m over it.  I didn’t like it very much as a child and so I just assume I won’t like it as an adult.  Surprise surprise, I usually end up eating my own words.  My friends (The Wolf Pack) throw an Annual Halloween Bash and as much as I try to deny it, I always have a blast.

This year, for you all, I decided to change it up a little bit.  In addition to the awesome bash on the 30th, a friend of my mine (you know who you are brosky) humored me and went into London with me to experience Halloween in a bit of a more sophisticated manner (which is kind of a joke for me because I don’t really know how to be a grown up sometimes).  Make sure at some point you check out Navajo Joe in Covent Garden.  Soon enough, you’ll learn that I’m an absolute foodie, or to some simply a fattie.  So after catfish hush puppies, jalapeno poppers, mac n cheese and enchiladas, we decided to cap the night off with some amazing Hoxton Gin cocktails.  Make sure you give this place a try.

So this is what I’m getting at: never deny a good night with your friends, even if it’s Halloween, but it never hurts to mix it up a bit.

I think I’m finally moving from denial to acceptance, Congratulations Halloween!!


Wolf Pack. Toddlers and Tiaras. Navajo Joe.

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