On the 7th of 7 days of Christmas

My true love gave to me…

Christmas Memories.

Christmas isn’t really a holiday my family and I celebrate. I remember when I was little I asked my parents if we could go all out and buy a Christmas Tree and presents, all the fixings.  They allowed it and boy was it amazing.  After it was all over my dad said to me, ok there was your Christmas, lets not do that again haha. I knew he didn’t mean in a way to belittle the holiday for others; he meant it in a way to say “man it was exhausting, I’m kinda glad we don’t do that every year.”  So, from then on every Christmas was a little different. Sometimes it was spent with family and maybe a special dinner, other times it was me and my parents in front of the television.  That was the normal and I never really questioned it because whatever we did I was with the people I cared most about.

Last year was a whole new ball game though. I got to experience my first “real” Christmas and it’ll definitely be one I never forget.  I spent last Christmas with a wonderful family in Yorkshire and although it was completely different from what I was used to, underneath it all, it was all about family.  I’m not gonna lie, I absolutely loved the Christmas pudding, full Christmas dinner with unlimited booze, exchanging of presents and a boxing day football match.  It will always be a memorable event in my life but what I came to realise is that holidays are just an excuse to spent time with your family and enjoy each others company.  I know sometimes you have to spend time with your not so favorite cousins or bratty nieces or nephews, but you have to cherish the time you do have with them because you never know when things may change. My Christmas this year will be nothing like the last, but so what?  I’m home with my family and loving every second of it.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.


Christmas Memories

Christmas Memories

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