Make your lasts, your firsts.

Hi everyone.

Once again I write and can’t believe how long it has been. Somehow life gets away from you and time flies.  And boy has it flown; I mean it’s a whole new year.  It’s 2014, the year when my life is supposed to really begin.  This goes for a lot of us studying at the Royal Veterinary College, most of whom have spent the last 5 years calling London home.  Personally, this year marks 10 consecutive years that I’ve been in “college.”  For 10 years I have been learning and building on who I want to be and this all kinda comes to an end in July.  Now, I have to start fending for myself, earning my own money and building my own knowledge on my own time.

I fear that so much will change so quickly, but maybe that’s what needs to happen to kick my dependent butt into shape.  I have come to love and depend on those that have gotten me through the toughest of time and a college community that undeniable provides a security blanket.  In the real world, we all go our separate ways and start making our own decisions and leading our own lives.  I understand that time is creeping up on me very quickly, but I refuse to be weaned off of it until I need to.  The friends I have made while studying in London, the advisors who have helped me develop my interests and goals in life and the city that has provided endless stories in my life are not being pushed aside.  Instead, I chose to continue finding timing to make the most of time we all have left together.

Our house has been caught calling many of our outings in the last year – Our Lasts.  Even after 5 years of exploring London, a lot of Our Lasts were actually Our Firsts.  And that’s why I love London.  In honor of lasts I have experiences a lot my firsts: a tour Parliament for the first time ever, my first NFL game (American football) at Wembley,  my first cooking class at the wonderful Recipease in Clapham, ringing in the new year on the streets of London and even tinkered with online dating.  One thing London has taught me is to be brave and experience things you normally wouldn’t.  You never know unless if you try, right?

So get out and explore!!

My Firsts

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