On the 7th of 7 days of Christmas

My true love gave to me…

Christmas Memories.

Christmas isn’t really a holiday my family and I celebrate. I remember when I was little I asked my parents if we could go all out and buy a Christmas Tree and presents, all the fixings.  They allowed it and boy was it amazing.  After it was all over my dad said to me, ok there was your Christmas, lets not do that again haha. I knew he didn’t mean in a way to belittle the holiday for others; he meant it in a way to say “man it was exhausting, I’m kinda glad we don’t do that every year.”  So, from then on every Christmas was a little different. Sometimes it was spent with family and maybe a special dinner, other times it was me and my parents in front of the television.  That was the normal and I never really questioned it because whatever we did I was with the people I cared most about.

Last year was a whole new ball game though. I got to experience my first “real” Christmas and it’ll definitely be one I never forget.  I spent last Christmas with a wonderful family in Yorkshire and although it was completely different from what I was used to, underneath it all, it was all about family.  I’m not gonna lie, I absolutely loved the Christmas pudding, full Christmas dinner with unlimited booze, exchanging of presents and a boxing day football match.  It will always be a memorable event in my life but what I came to realise is that holidays are just an excuse to spent time with your family and enjoy each others company.  I know sometimes you have to spend time with your not so favorite cousins or bratty nieces or nephews, but you have to cherish the time you do have with them because you never know when things may change. My Christmas this year will be nothing like the last, but so what?  I’m home with my family and loving every second of it.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.


Christmas Memories

Christmas Memories

On the 5th of 7 days of Christmas

My true love gave to me…

Warner Bros Studio Tour: The Making of Harry Potter

For my birthday this year, my “favoritest” cousin and her husband surprised me and my other cousin with a wonderful birthday treat. We started off our day with what me (birthday girl) and Shiv (birthday boy) called the ultimate meal. Thai buffet…YUMM. From there my cousin drove us off into the night and I kept wondering where were off to.  Megha, best surprise EVER haha.  And as we got closer and closer the birthday boy was on the trail.

It’s really hard to describe the feeling you get when you set foot onto the set, but all I know is the birthday boy (20) and myself (26) were as giddy as school girls.  Like I said the other day, never forget what it’s like to be a kid and this wonderland definitely takes you back.  The beauty of Harry Potter is that regardless of your age, you had committed to taking a 7 book journey.  Along with those 7 books came a 10 year movie relationship where your imagination had the chance to life.

Every secret you have ever wanted to know and all those familiar sets like the Dumbledore’s office were there to see. It’s amazing to see the extent to which a movie industry has gone to achieve the recreation of such a beloved story.  I’m trying not to give too much away for those that want to be surprised but every turn on the studio lot is exciting. Every twist and turn makes you feel like you were somewhat apart of the magic.

Last bit of advice…try the butter beer.


Guess the scene...

Guess the scene…

On the 4th of 7 days of Christmas

My true love gave me to me…

A hot spot called The Breakfast Club.

In my opinion, you can’t brunch as good as in Brooklyn.  BK has an unprecedented amount of brunch locations and none of them disappoint.  So I created a goal for myself to find something somewhat comparable here in England.  The London food spot has expanded quite a bit in the time I have been here, but until recently the optimal brunch spot was still allusive.  But don’t you fret, I HAVE FOUND IT.  The Breakfast Club has met every expectation I could have dreamt of in the UK.  One, they provided a delicious Thanksgiving dinner accompanied by a festival American themed quiz.  Two, even more delicious American pancakes.  Three, a restaurant full of people looking for the same exact thing.  There are various locations suitable for people in all locations so make you sure take the time out to go and enjoy.  THIS IS THE BRUNCH SPOT.


Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club

On the 3rd of 7 days of Christmas

My true love gave to me…The end of the world. Just kidding.

A beer and cheese tasting @ BrewDog in Camden.

Hi, my name is Ami and I have an addiction.  My understanding is that the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. So here goes, my addiction is – Groupon.  I am happy to say that over the last 2-3 years I have been a very happy customer, maybe a bit too happy.  I have had the occasional impulse buys and then later thought, “what the hell,” but overall it has been a great relationship.  However, as of late I have tried really hard to not go window shopping on Groupon and slowly wean myself of the addiction.  But everyone has that trusty friend who will remind you of what you are missing.  My “reverse sponsor” is Gabby Youn.  She was the one that got a hold of the tasting at the local Camden branch of a microbrew called BrewDog.

BrewDog is actually a scottish company, but we have been lucky enough to get a local branch open up in Camden.  BrewDog opened up after the year me and my classmates left Camden so it has always been a mission of our’s to go back together. Our trusty group of 5 (Kevin, Gabby, Mary, Sarah and myself) purchased this Groupon deal in the middle of exam revision time, so it was already guaranteed to be a pretty ballsy night out.  And that is exactly what I would say about the beer we experienced that night.  Let me tell you, you do not need to be a connoisseur of beer to appreciate what BrewDog is concocting.  Every beer was an individual and was robust in its own way.  And surprisingly, beer pairs with cheese quite nicely.  I had a definite favorite and that was “5 A.M. Saint.” I highly recommend checking this place out for a pint or two, you won’t regret it. And if it happens to be via a wonderful Groupon deal, all the better.

So I guess after all that, I should be thankful to Groupon. Maybe it’s a good addiction if it means I get to experience new and exciting things. Right??




On the 2nd of 7 days of Christmas

My true love gave to me.

Winter Wonderland @ Hyde Park.

So, in the 4 years I will now have been in London, this is one Christmas staple I had managed to miss.  I knew it existed and plenty of people had told me how much fun it is to go, yet it still remained a mystery to me.  Why wouldn’t I go to Winter Wonderland where you could get your endless fill of food, mulled wine and sweet goodies?  It sounds right up my alley, right guys?  All I knew was that it had to happen this year because next year might be a big fat blur.  

I chose respectfully to forgo the awesome looking rides [with exception to the carousel/merry-go-round] in hopes of filling my belly with as many warm treats as possible. Did I accomplish my goal, yes sir, sure did!! There were sausages with caramelised balsamic onions, mulled red and white wine, roasted chestnuts, german donuts and eggnog.  Hyde Park had definitely been transformed into a “german” wonderland of treats.  It was a great reminder that you should never let go of your childhood, no matter what age.  Always take the time out to do a little frolicking with your best friends and never forget to laugh.  Christmas time always reminds you of just that and if it doesn’t you need to loosen up a bit.  Maybe take a trip to Winter Wonderland and remind yourself of what it’s like to be a kid again.


Winter Wonderland @ Hyde Park

Winter Wonderland @ Hyde Park

On the 1st of 7 days of Christmas.

My true love gave to me…

The 2012 Royal Veterinary College Christmas Ball.

Christmas Ball is a yearly tradition for us college go-ers at the RVC. It’s an excuse to get dressed up, hang out with all your favorite and not so favorite people and make the most of an “open bar.” For a flat fee (not ever so cheap, but usually worth it) you get to whisked away on a red double-decker bus to a marquee set up at Willows Farm Village. Inside you kind of forget the outside world and remind yourself that it’s gonna be a good night.  For us 4th years this year, we had just finished exams and we all were in much need of a night out.  The coming months are gonna be difficult and I know at least for me, this is one night where none of that mattered.  I was in surrounded my good company and honestly, that’s all a girl can ask for.  The night, as do most good nights out, went way to fast but there were some very memorable moments: the dance stage needing to be cleared after way too many people did Gangnam Style on it, Steven van Winden and Lauren Trusa’s “Monsieur Moustache” and an admiral game of Slapsies.  It was definitely one to remember.


Christmas Ball 2012

Christmas Ball 2012