Monday Funny – Sad Sad Broncos


Monday Funny - Sad Sad Broncos

So for all of you that watched the Superbowl last night, it was a sad and pathetic night for the Denver Broncos. Who starts a game off with a safety *tisk tisk*

There were some great memes throughout the game, but this was one of my favorites. If you think you found a better one, post in on my page 🙂

Make your lasts, your firsts.

Hi everyone.

Once again I write and can’t believe how long it has been. Somehow life gets away from you and time flies.  And boy has it flown; I mean it’s a whole new year.  It’s 2014, the year when my life is supposed to really begin.  This goes for a lot of us studying at the Royal Veterinary College, most of whom have spent the last 5 years calling London home.  Personally, this year marks 10 consecutive years that I’ve been in “college.”  For 10 years I have been learning and building on who I want to be and this all kinda comes to an end in July.  Now, I have to start fending for myself, earning my own money and building my own knowledge on my own time.

I fear that so much will change so quickly, but maybe that’s what needs to happen to kick my dependent butt into shape.  I have come to love and depend on those that have gotten me through the toughest of time and a college community that undeniable provides a security blanket.  In the real world, we all go our separate ways and start making our own decisions and leading our own lives.  I understand that time is creeping up on me very quickly, but I refuse to be weaned off of it until I need to.  The friends I have made while studying in London, the advisors who have helped me develop my interests and goals in life and the city that has provided endless stories in my life are not being pushed aside.  Instead, I chose to continue finding timing to make the most of time we all have left together.

Our house has been caught calling many of our outings in the last year – Our Lasts.  Even after 5 years of exploring London, a lot of Our Lasts were actually Our Firsts.  And that’s why I love London.  In honor of lasts I have experiences a lot my firsts: a tour Parliament for the first time ever, my first NFL game (American football) at Wembley,  my first cooking class at the wonderful Recipease in Clapham, ringing in the new year on the streets of London and even tinkered with online dating.  One thing London has taught me is to be brave and experience things you normally wouldn’t.  You never know unless if you try, right?

So get out and explore!!

My Firsts

Highs and Lows

Where there hell have I been guys? Where do I begin???

Since April 29 (yes that was my last post 😕 ) I’ve experienced some major highs and low. We lost a major presence in our lives in early May. Our dearest friend passed away tragically and I can’t even describe the feeling that came over us all. We all have spent the last 4 years leaning and relying on each other and to know that he wouldn’t be completing this journey with us was hard to accept.  But as the weeks went by we began to remember him for the memories he left behind and we began to realise that he wouldn’t want us to sit around wondering what if. We all knew that it was time to move forward, but to never forget what we all shared (trust me knowing it’s time is one thing, but actually having the courage to move forward is something completely different).  Thinking back to the days and weeks after, I began to think that over these last 4 years I have meet some of the most important people in my life and experience so many things that have made me who I am today. Coming to London was one of the best decisions I have ever made and even though it’s been a major roller coaster ride, I wouldn’t change it for the world.  I am a better person for having had you in my life, Ben, and I know every one of us feels the same way. R.I.P.

The next couple months whizzed by before my eyes. From farm work to referral hospital work, I was definitely knee deep in work. There didn’t seem to be too many moments to sit back and reflex, but hey thats boring haha.  Work seemed endless and tiring, but ultimately rewarding and forward moving.  It’s nice to know that I might just be that tiny bit more competent as a veterinarian haha.  Amongst that all, I decided to do something even crazy. Two of my lovely friends (Erin and Sarah) and I decided to tackle Tough Mudder. If you haven’t heard of it, google it.  I’m quick to say “that was the hardest thing I’ve ever done,” but OMG, that was the HARDEST thing I have EVER done.  11.5 miles, 21 obstacles and sheer glory is what it’s all about.  It may not be everyone’s cuppa tea, but I really really recommend challenging yourself, because I can guarantee you will surprise yourself – that’ what life is about.

Last week, I finally had a chance to meet up with the remaining LUIP ambassador students for a cultural night at the Nehru Centre near Green Park. It was so nice to catch and talk about what lies ahead of us all. It’s weird to be the only one continuing on the same journey, but it’s wonderful to know that this amazing group of individuals are moving forward.  It was great to hear that some were sticking around and are embracing London/England to the max, while others are heading back to share their adventures back home.  And guess what, this time next year I will be in the same position!!

After months of work I finally had a weekend “off” so I had to make my way back into London. We hit up the usually must-do location, BOROUGH MARKET, for some stinky grilled cheese and turkish delights followed by a tanning trip to Green Park.  It was lovely being back and uber nostalgic. I didn’t want to leave, but I reminded myself I would be back next Saturday for our second yearly installment of THE FEAST at Brick Lane Yard. Woohoo!!

Oh the memories!!! I just want to give a little shout out to the LUIP program because without them I never would have had the drive to share all these wonderful experience with you.  I never thought I would be much of a blogger – not that I have been much lately – but I’ve enjoyed it so much. Each time I blog about my time here in London, I am blessed to get viewers who genuinely come to hear some cheeky stories. And of course, a major shout out to all the wonderful people who came to visit my page in April. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought I would get 915 views in a month, let alone 714 of view came in a single week. Thank you SO much.  You all have been a major HIGH.



Where does time go…

It has been so long since I’ve last blogged and I would foremost like to say SORRY!  I know I’m meant to keep you updated about the ins and outs of my London/Vet school experience and man have I been failing lately.  On a positive note, my lack of posts has not been due to laziness,  as much as I would have liked a few lazy Sundays. I’ve started the last “phase” of vet school,  the equally exciting but terrifying thing called ROTATIONS.  So, what have I abandoned you all for??

In the last few months I’ve found myself trailing about the Northeastern countryside, spending my nights awake on an erie veterinary campus and finally getting a bit of sun in good ole East Anglia.  So, it doesn’t sound very productive but I promise you it’s been a whirl wind.  As crazy as it’s been, I’ve been lucky to have gotten the chance to work with a variety of animals and an even more exciting variety of mentors. So far I’ve worked alongside distinguished Royal Veterinary College (RVC) Equine Referral Hospital clinicians/residents/interns, highly experienced first opinion farm/equine/small animal veterinarians, world class RVC pathologists and those all important government veterinarians at the Animal Healh and Veterinary Laboratory Agency. HOW AMAZING IS THAT!!! Either that or I’m extremely geeky.

I guess what I’m tryjng to get at is that the last 14 months are gonna be crazy, but extremely rewarding. So, forgive me if I disappear from time to time because the RVC’s call will beckon and I will surely go-a-running. But don’t you worry I will return and I promise you I will have some great stories.

So keep posted…

Boozy Easter Weekend

Traditionally, friends and family get together for the extended Easter weekend and enjoy each other’s company.  Usually there is a lovely home-made meal, some kind of socializing and maybe even a sporting event.  What my friends and family do for Easter usually includes one key ingredient and that is booze.  Some may say we all are a bit lush and maybe even enjoy our choice of drink a bit too much; but this is in no way an everyday occurrence.  I think in recent times we all have realised that there isn’t as much time these day to just enjoy ourselves, especially with final year of vet school quickly approaching.  Therefore, when we get the chance – we make the most of it.

My Manhattanite cousin, Kat, was in town and Saturday night was the night we all got together.  If you know anything about our family, you know that these are not small gathering by any means.  Instead of a traditional Easter meal around the dinner table, we congregated at the Hoxton Pony in Shoreditch for our traditional cocktail party.  If you ever make your way to Shoreditch, make sure you stop in for their house drink – Hoxton Gin (fabulous).  **For those of you who follow me for my experiences of living and studying in London, Kat and I have a very interesting story.  Kat is originally from Coventry in the Midlands and when I was planning my move to the UK, she was doing an internship year in New York with RBS through the Mountbatten Institute.  What was originally a years experience turned into almost 5 years of bliss.  Just like I came to the UK to study and experience a different lifestyle, Kat moved the US for work.  I guess what I’m trying to get at is, don’t cut yourself short of a learning experience, wherever in the world it is.**



From one boozy night to a boozy brunch, Sunday was a good mix of traditional and not so traditional.  A few of my housemates unfortunately are away from their families this year, which meant they missed out on their usual Easter festivities.  In order to fill that gap we decided to get dressed up and have an outting into London.  Mary found the prefect fit with Sunday Brunch at the South Place Hotel.  After a boozy night, I was sure I couldn’t handle a boozy brunch – little did I realise that in great company, it really doesn’t take much convincing.  I mean how does one pass up unlimited mimosas or bellinis for £10 to fit a two course meal of lobster omelette and lemon posset.

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Sure the weekend was a bit OTT and I’m not saying this is how everyone ought to spend their Easter weekend, but this is how my friends and family decided we would. Lush as it was, everyone ought to splurge every now and then.

Treat yourself – whatever the occasion.


Down the Rabbit-Hole

Let the Easter filled weekend begin.  To be honest, I didn’t really “celebrate” Easter until I came to the UK.  Sure we got a day off back in the States, but here, you get extended weekends – Woohoo.  Everyone deserves a weekend off here and there and what better way to spend it than with those you care about.  Sure this Easter will differ from the last few years, but if these few activities are any indication of what kind of fun can be had, then, Happy Easter to all.  

1.  The Breakfast Club

I know you must be tired of hearing me talk about The Breakfast Club, but seriously, if I haven’t said it enough – GO EAT THERE!  Our fun day out started off with a pit stop at The Breakfast Club.  I think any day out in London should start with a good meal, just make sure you choose the right spot.

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2.  The National Gallery


One of London’s greatest spots is the National Gallery.  I remember going there almost a year ago to see the Di Vinci Exhibit and being amazing that one roof could house such mesmerising work.  As you follow the rooms around viewing the great artwork from the likes of Monet and Rembrandt, it’s easy to see why you can get so caught up in the culture.  And to top that all, as we were walking around, there were so many groups of school kids doing the same.  These kids had been brought to the National Gallery to learn about the history of Easter and if I do admit, I think I learned a thing or two. 

3. Covent Garden Easter Egg Hunt

One thing London is NOT short of is Easter Egg Hunts.  Various companies put on games around the city – like earlier in the day The Breakfast Club introduced a hunt for their 5 hidden eggs.  In Covent Garden, Lindt had sponsored an Egg Hunt and the winners would get a supply of Lindt chocolate for the holidays.  I’m not sure all of you will remember, but a few years ago there was a display of elephants around London (, and this egg display was similar to just that.  The egg have all returned after a tour around England and they were on display for all to see.  If this doesn’t put you in the spirit, I don’t know what will.  I definitely had a craving for a huge chocolate egg after 😛


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4.  Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland 

A bit of advice, if you’re dying to a see a particular show and it’s sold up, go to the venue and try to get day tickets.  My roommate really wanted to the see The Royal Ballet’s interpretation of Alice in Wonderland at the Royal Opera House, so that’s exactly what we did.  We went and stood in line for about 9am and managed to secure tickets for that nights production – TOTALLY WORTH IT!!  This was my first ballet and OMG was it amazing.  It took me a few seconds to remind myself that there wasn’t going to be any dialogue, but you really didn’t need it at all.  Not only was the dancing amazing, but the sets were so vibrant and the music was flawless.  The show managed to encompass the innocence of the childrens book we all grew up reading as well as providing a fresh interpretation and a love interest – WOOOO.  If you can’t manage to get seats to the few remaining shows, don’t fret because the ballet will be shown in select cinemas.  Check out the Royal Opera House website for me details.


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So, people…that was one jam packed Easter themed day and it’s not even over.  Stay tuned for an Easter Sunday Brunch Special 🙂


Monday Funny

So, this past weekend my family threw a surprise 60th birthday party for me dad.  Being all the way across the pond, it made me a little sad that I missed it.  Sometimes being this far from home really puts a damper on your mood, but all is forgiven when you get to the see the joy on their faces.  Here’s a few pictures from my dad’s birthday, hope they make you smile like they did for me.  

ps. check out the amazing cake.



Mac’s 60th Birthday

Tea for me? Why thank you…

First and foremost, I would like to thank Dr. Andrea Tanner and Yvonne Isherwood for the their hospitality and incredible insight into the ins and out of Fortnum & Mason.

As many of you know, I started writing this blog for the London Universities International Partnership as a student ambassador.  The fabulous organization and our fearless leader, Kim Duller, have put together the most amazing events throughout the year, carving out a path for us to discover/re-discover London.  Due to the unpredictability of my program (yes, vet school takes you all over the country at any one point in time), I haven’t had the opportunity to take part in many of these festivities, but man am I glad I didn’t miss this one!

Fortnum & Mason is a staple of London, both past and present.  Many people now visit during their travels through London, like a tourist destination; however, many more visit as dedicated patrons that keep coming back for the history and nostalgia that F&M has to offer.  F&M’s history goes as far back as the 1700’s to the humble roots of a shop owner/grocer named Hugh Mason and builder/footman to the Queen, William Fortnum.  These entrepreneurial men joined forces and created an empire from the ground up (not quite like Star Wars, even though I’ve made it seem that way).  They sought out opportunities and had a keen eye for the demands of the market.  With Fortnum’s family ties to the East India Company, the sophistication of their tea rose to new standards.


The history of Fortnum & Mason is as rich as their teas, but that is not all they have to offer.  When (yes when) you go to visit the store, you will see dedicated floors for home goods, fashion and groceries.  If you’ve ever imagined what it would be like to step into a “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” moment, this is it.  Whatever I say will never truly describe the atmosphere they have created.  There are so many hidden and not so hidden treasures here in London, don’t let them pass you by – especially Fortnum & Mason.


I see nougat…


Tea Party in The Drawing Room


Fabulous Hat

And if you are as simple as me and were even the slightest bit curious about their fabulous Christmas Tree this past season – it was actually their first REAL Christmas Tree, which was home grown here in Britain.


Christmas Tree Glory
