On the 3rd of 7 days of Christmas

My true love gave to me…The end of the world. Just kidding.

A beer and cheese tasting @ BrewDog in Camden.

Hi, my name is Ami and I have an addiction.  My understanding is that the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. So here goes, my addiction is – Groupon.  I am happy to say that over the last 2-3 years I have been a very happy customer, maybe a bit too happy.  I have had the occasional impulse buys and then later thought, “what the hell,” but overall it has been a great relationship.  However, as of late I have tried really hard to not go window shopping on Groupon and slowly wean myself of the addiction.  But everyone has that trusty friend who will remind you of what you are missing.  My “reverse sponsor” is Gabby Youn.  She was the one that got a hold of the tasting at the local Camden branch of a microbrew called BrewDog.

BrewDog is actually a scottish company, but we have been lucky enough to get a local branch open up in Camden.  BrewDog opened up after the year me and my classmates left Camden so it has always been a mission of our’s to go back together. Our trusty group of 5 (Kevin, Gabby, Mary, Sarah and myself) purchased this Groupon deal in the middle of exam revision time, so it was already guaranteed to be a pretty ballsy night out.  And that is exactly what I would say about the beer we experienced that night.  Let me tell you, you do not need to be a connoisseur of beer to appreciate what BrewDog is concocting.  Every beer was an individual and was robust in its own way.  And surprisingly, beer pairs with cheese quite nicely.  I had a definite favorite and that was “5 A.M. Saint.” I highly recommend checking this place out for a pint or two, you won’t regret it. And if it happens to be via a wonderful Groupon deal, all the better.

So I guess after all that, I should be thankful to Groupon. Maybe it’s a good addiction if it means I get to experience new and exciting things. Right??


