Down the Rabbit-Hole

Let the Easter filled weekend begin.  To be honest, I didn’t really “celebrate” Easter until I came to the UK.  Sure we got a day off back in the States, but here, you get extended weekends – Woohoo.  Everyone deserves a weekend off here and there and what better way to spend it than with those you care about.  Sure this Easter will differ from the last few years, but if these few activities are any indication of what kind of fun can be had, then, Happy Easter to all.  

1.  The Breakfast Club

I know you must be tired of hearing me talk about The Breakfast Club, but seriously, if I haven’t said it enough – GO EAT THERE!  Our fun day out started off with a pit stop at The Breakfast Club.  I think any day out in London should start with a good meal, just make sure you choose the right spot.

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2.  The National Gallery


One of London’s greatest spots is the National Gallery.  I remember going there almost a year ago to see the Di Vinci Exhibit and being amazing that one roof could house such mesmerising work.  As you follow the rooms around viewing the great artwork from the likes of Monet and Rembrandt, it’s easy to see why you can get so caught up in the culture.  And to top that all, as we were walking around, there were so many groups of school kids doing the same.  These kids had been brought to the National Gallery to learn about the history of Easter and if I do admit, I think I learned a thing or two. 

3. Covent Garden Easter Egg Hunt

One thing London is NOT short of is Easter Egg Hunts.  Various companies put on games around the city – like earlier in the day The Breakfast Club introduced a hunt for their 5 hidden eggs.  In Covent Garden, Lindt had sponsored an Egg Hunt and the winners would get a supply of Lindt chocolate for the holidays.  I’m not sure all of you will remember, but a few years ago there was a display of elephants around London (, and this egg display was similar to just that.  The egg have all returned after a tour around England and they were on display for all to see.  If this doesn’t put you in the spirit, I don’t know what will.  I definitely had a craving for a huge chocolate egg after 😛


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4.  Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland 

A bit of advice, if you’re dying to a see a particular show and it’s sold up, go to the venue and try to get day tickets.  My roommate really wanted to the see The Royal Ballet’s interpretation of Alice in Wonderland at the Royal Opera House, so that’s exactly what we did.  We went and stood in line for about 9am and managed to secure tickets for that nights production – TOTALLY WORTH IT!!  This was my first ballet and OMG was it amazing.  It took me a few seconds to remind myself that there wasn’t going to be any dialogue, but you really didn’t need it at all.  Not only was the dancing amazing, but the sets were so vibrant and the music was flawless.  The show managed to encompass the innocence of the childrens book we all grew up reading as well as providing a fresh interpretation and a love interest – WOOOO.  If you can’t manage to get seats to the few remaining shows, don’t fret because the ballet will be shown in select cinemas.  Check out the Royal Opera House website for me details.


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So, people…that was one jam packed Easter themed day and it’s not even over.  Stay tuned for an Easter Sunday Brunch Special 🙂
