Boozy Easter Weekend

Traditionally, friends and family get together for the extended Easter weekend and enjoy each other’s company.  Usually there is a lovely home-made meal, some kind of socializing and maybe even a sporting event.  What my friends and family do for Easter usually includes one key ingredient and that is booze.  Some may say we all are a bit lush and maybe even enjoy our choice of drink a bit too much; but this is in no way an everyday occurrence.  I think in recent times we all have realised that there isn’t as much time these day to just enjoy ourselves, especially with final year of vet school quickly approaching.  Therefore, when we get the chance – we make the most of it.

My Manhattanite cousin, Kat, was in town and Saturday night was the night we all got together.  If you know anything about our family, you know that these are not small gathering by any means.  Instead of a traditional Easter meal around the dinner table, we congregated at the Hoxton Pony in Shoreditch for our traditional cocktail party.  If you ever make your way to Shoreditch, make sure you stop in for their house drink – Hoxton Gin (fabulous).  **For those of you who follow me for my experiences of living and studying in London, Kat and I have a very interesting story.  Kat is originally from Coventry in the Midlands and when I was planning my move to the UK, she was doing an internship year in New York with RBS through the Mountbatten Institute.  What was originally a years experience turned into almost 5 years of bliss.  Just like I came to the UK to study and experience a different lifestyle, Kat moved the US for work.  I guess what I’m trying to get at is, don’t cut yourself short of a learning experience, wherever in the world it is.**



From one boozy night to a boozy brunch, Sunday was a good mix of traditional and not so traditional.  A few of my housemates unfortunately are away from their families this year, which meant they missed out on their usual Easter festivities.  In order to fill that gap we decided to get dressed up and have an outting into London.  Mary found the prefect fit with Sunday Brunch at the South Place Hotel.  After a boozy night, I was sure I couldn’t handle a boozy brunch – little did I realise that in great company, it really doesn’t take much convincing.  I mean how does one pass up unlimited mimosas or bellinis for £10 to fit a two course meal of lobster omelette and lemon posset.

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Sure the weekend was a bit OTT and I’m not saying this is how everyone ought to spend their Easter weekend, but this is how my friends and family decided we would. Lush as it was, everyone ought to splurge every now and then.

Treat yourself – whatever the occasion.
