Hey look, I can see my house from here!!

Hey Peeps,

How you all doing??? The past month has been a whirlwind of emotions. I’ve just finished my finals at The Royal Veterinary College and am currently crossing my fingers for my returns on Friday. On Friday, I find out if the last 5 years in London and the last 10 years of uni have resulted in me actually becoming a vet.

The revision was gruelling and week long examinations was utterly taxing, but you know what helped – the lovely LUIP Ambassadors I get to occasionally meet at London’s top notch locations. It was one week till exams started and I most definitely needed a break, so what better place to explore than the entirety of London from the top of The Shard. The View from The Shard is breath-taking. Getting a bird’s eye view of the city I have called home for the last 5 years was the prefect way to draw this adventure to an end. Whether you enjoy the view from the enclosed 66th floor or enjoy the air on the roof-top 72nd floor, it’s all magnificent. Not only do you want to go in circles finding your favor landmarks, but they have interactive telescopes that zoom in and out of your favor locations. And wait, thats not all! To top it all off you get a lovely glass of champagne to calm those nerves if you weren’t already feeling all bubbly from the heights. Is this a must do whilst visiting London? YES!! Is this a must do even if you live in London? Absolutely!!

Find the link below for a little photo story book.
THe Shard
