On the 2nd of 7 days of Christmas

My true love gave to me.

Winter Wonderland @ Hyde Park.

So, in the 4 years I will now have been in London, this is one Christmas staple I had managed to miss.  I knew it existed and plenty of people had told me how much fun it is to go, yet it still remained a mystery to me.  Why wouldn’t I go to Winter Wonderland where you could get your endless fill of food, mulled wine and sweet goodies?  It sounds right up my alley, right guys?  All I knew was that it had to happen this year because next year might be a big fat blur.  

I chose respectfully to forgo the awesome looking rides [with exception to the carousel/merry-go-round] in hopes of filling my belly with as many warm treats as possible. Did I accomplish my goal, yes sir, sure did!! There were sausages with caramelised balsamic onions, mulled red and white wine, roasted chestnuts, german donuts and eggnog.  Hyde Park had definitely been transformed into a “german” wonderland of treats.  It was a great reminder that you should never let go of your childhood, no matter what age.  Always take the time out to do a little frolicking with your best friends and never forget to laugh.  Christmas time always reminds you of just that and if it doesn’t you need to loosen up a bit.  Maybe take a trip to Winter Wonderland and remind yourself of what it’s like to be a kid again.


Winter Wonderland @ Hyde Park

Winter Wonderland @ Hyde Park