It sure has been a long time…

O dear…

These last few weeks have been uber crazy.  If there is one sure-fire way to drive yourself insane, just study for exams.  I can honestly say I have never been so exhausted in my life. We got our results a few days ago and I’m happy to say it was all worth it.  Early mornings, long nights, and countless hours of god knows what in our kitchen (yes, Chateau de Windmore – I’m talking about you all).  Most of all though, I’m sad to say I definitely neglected this blog.  I tried my best to keep up with Monday Funnies, but even became a difficulty – even though it shouldn’t have.

So here goes! I know most people do 12 days of Christmas excitement, but since I don’t celebrate Christmas, I’m going to give you 7!! [mainly because I just realised it is 7 days until Christmas 😛 ]

I have managed to have a little fun here and there in the last few month and since I haven’t been able to update you along the way, I thought I would provide you with a treat each day until Christmas.

Good idea, possibly; am I gonna do it anyway, DEFINITELY.
