Where does time go…

It has been so long since I’ve last blogged and I would foremost like to say SORRY!  I know I’m meant to keep you updated about the ins and outs of my London/Vet school experience and man have I been failing lately.  On a positive note, my lack of posts has not been due to laziness,  as much as I would have liked a few lazy Sundays. I’ve started the last “phase” of vet school,  the equally exciting but terrifying thing called ROTATIONS.  So, what have I abandoned you all for??

In the last few months I’ve found myself trailing about the Northeastern countryside, spending my nights awake on an erie veterinary campus and finally getting a bit of sun in good ole East Anglia.  So, it doesn’t sound very productive but I promise you it’s been a whirl wind.  As crazy as it’s been, I’ve been lucky to have gotten the chance to work with a variety of animals and an even more exciting variety of mentors. So far I’ve worked alongside distinguished Royal Veterinary College (RVC) Equine Referral Hospital clinicians/residents/interns, highly experienced first opinion farm/equine/small animal veterinarians, world class RVC pathologists and those all important government veterinarians at the Animal Healh and Veterinary Laboratory Agency. HOW AMAZING IS THAT!!! Either that or I’m extremely geeky.

I guess what I’m tryjng to get at is that the last 14 months are gonna be crazy, but extremely rewarding. So, forgive me if I disappear from time to time because the RVC’s call will beckon and I will surely go-a-running. But don’t you worry I will return and I promise you I will have some great stories.

So keep posted…